2013年9月4日 星期三

給初學者的一點建議---from Abby Kaufman

In some ways we're all beginners when it comes to sewing, whether we've been doing it for five days or fifty years. There's always more to learn. Today, I'm asking, what's the best piece of advice you have on sewing for beginners?
Your new best friend.   
Here's my list of advice. Read through it, then add yours!
1. Don't bite off more than you can chew. New to quilting? Try a small wall hanging or a few patchwork blocks before setting off on that queen quilt project you've been dreaming of.
2. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You're going to make them, so don't sweat it. Your seam ripper will become your new best friend.
3. Observe and learn from others. Go to shows and festivals, read books, take classes, have tea with your neighbor who happens to make her own clothes. Pick up new skills however you feel comfortable.
4. Diversify. Once you've got a technique or project down pat, try something new, or a different way of doing things, to expand your knowledge base.
5. Have fun!
Abby Kaufman
Assistant Editor
Stitch magazine
1.     別蛇吞象,不要一下子就夢想做出很大的拼布作品,你可以從小片小片拼接開始

2.     別害怕錯誤,所有的經驗都是你最好的朋友,包括拆線

3.     去上課,看書,跟人家學,看展覽總之,以你自己喜歡的方式增進功力.

4.     多樣的變化,學會一種技巧別老是用同樣的方法,試試看有沒有其他種可能

5.     要喜歡,別邊做邊怨,覺得都是別人教得不好,覺得自己太笨都學不會,----你不要悲觀去想,拼布才能在你的生活中成為正面的能量.

6.     這些不是翻譯,是我看完後自己再寫一遍,所以就可以加上許多自己的話.

